Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Texas Honor Circle Award

Harleton ISD receives the Texas Honors Circle Awards for Public Education Excellence

Harleton ISD is a recipient of the Texas Comptroller’s 2011 Texas Honors Circle Award, which recognizes schools and districts that are achieving academic success through cost-effective operations. Award recipients achieve strong academic performance while spending relatively little compared to their peers. 

Texas Comptroller Susan Combs has announced that 46 Texas school districts and 313 school campuses received the Texas Honors Circle Award for high rankings received in the 2011 Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST).

FAST, mandated by the 2009 Texas Legislature, is an annual study that examines both academic performance and financial efficiency to identify school districts, charter operators and campuses that deliver high-quality education at relatively low costs. Combs created the Texas Honors Circle Award program to recognize districts and schools that receive high marks in the FAST analysis.

 “In these challenging times where schools are under pressure to do more with less, it is more important than ever to shine a spotlight on those that are achieving strong student performance with cost-effective spending,” Combs said. “Your efforts to help our state and local governments wisely manage educational spending while preparing students for success in college or the work force is crucial to the future of Texas.”   

The Texas Honors Circle program awards certificates based on FAST results. Districts and charters receiving the Texas Honors Circle Award have achieved a Five-Star FAST rating. Only 46, or 4 percent of all Texas school districts, earned five stars. Elementary campuses receiving the award achieved a five-star FAST rating, while middle and high-school campuses tapped for the honor achieved at least a 4.5-Star FAST rating.

To view FAST’s results and to see the list of all Texas Honors Circle award winners, go to

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bravo School Board!

On September 13, 2011, the Harleton ISD Board of Trustees took a big step to fight for the students and taxpayers of the district by joining in support of the lawsuit concerning the school finance system in Texas. School finance has recently made big news in Texas when the 82nd legislature cut approximately $5.5 billion from the funds that would have gone to school district in Texas. These cuts come at a time when the state was also requiring more from schools and higher standards for the students. 

The current system for financing public schools in Texas contains revenue for schools in the form of a number the state has entitled “Target Revenue Number.” The number, derived from analysis based upon a district’s condition in the 2005-2006 school year, is multiplied by the school district’s number of Weighted Average Daily Attendance (WADA), basically the number of students in attendance at the district that have been weighted based upon special needs and costs to educate students with these special needs, to give you the district’s revenues to fund schooling for the year. The calculation looks like this: Target Revenue Number X WADA=Target Revenue. The amount of revenue the district can generate locally is then supplemented by the state up to the Target Revenue amount. If the district raises more money locally due to an increase in the appraised value of property in the district, then the state does not have to pay as much to the district in order for them to reach their Target Revenue. Also, keep in mind that this number is based upon 2005-2006 information, and we all know that nothing has increased in price since then, right?

Let’s look at an example using Harleton’s Target Revenue Number, $4952. In order to determine the Target Revenue for Harleton ISD, we take this number and multiply by the number of WADA, which is approximately 1000. $4952 X 1000= $4,952,000. This is Harleton’s Target Revenue. Basically, this, along with some other small adjustments, provides the funding that our district uses to carry out schooling for our children. The only catch is that the Target Revenue Numbers vary in our state by a wide margin. Districts have numbers as low as $3800 and as high as over $12,000. The average in the state is close to $5100. Even if Harleton were able to get the state average ($5100) then our revenue would increase by $148,000. That would be equivalent to 3 teachers with over 20 years experience each. Could that be a benefit for our children? 

Our school district is located in Harrison County, and the Target Revenue Numbers of the school districts in our county also vary from $4952 to $6046. The breakdown of these districts is as follows: 

Harleton ISD       $4952 
Marshall ISD       $5064 
Waskom ISD       $5414 
Elysian Fields      $5628 
Karnack ISD       $5727 
Hallsville ISD      $6046 

You can see that some districts are going to be guaranteed more revenues than others just based upon the Target Revenue Numbers, and if they increase their enrollments does the system allow for Harleton to catch up? No. If all of these districts increased by the same number of WADA, they would just multiply by the already inequitable Target Revenue Numbers that are in place now. But, that’s not the worst news. 

As a taxpayer, you should definitely be upset. Not only can you see that if Target Revenue Numbers are ranging from $3800 to over $12,000, but studies have shown that taxpayers are being treated unfairly, as well. Among the 80% of districts in the state with the lowest revenues per student, they have an average tax rate for maintenance and operations of $1.068. The wealthiest 10% of districts have an average tax rate for maintenance and operations of $1.00. Or, look at it this way when you talk about yield per penny of tax for every student. If we look at the poorest 20% of schools (n=256), we see an average yield per penny of $48.97 per student while having an average M&O tax rate of $1.13. We can compare these numbers to the wealthiest 20% of districts (n=256) and find an average yield per penny of $68.31 with an M&O tax rate of just under $1.02. So, not only do these districts get more for their students, but they get to do so without their tax payers having to pay as much. The differences are even more pronounced when we compare the poorest 10% with the wealthiest 10%. Don’t the students of our district deserve as much as others? Should our taxpayers have to pay more in taxes just to maintain services and facilities while other districts are able to provide more at a lower tax rate?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've just heard that Harmony ISD has had to let out classes today due to a wildfire near their school. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are being affected by this, and we pray that no one is injured from the fires. There is a possibility that the games will have to be played at our field if they are able to play at all. We will keep everyone updated through the website.

Thankfully, the weather service is predicting a chance of rain for tomorrow. Let's pray that it comes our way.