Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Time's A Coming...

The Christmas Season is upon us! I know that because my wife spent 18 hours straight shopping after Thanksgiving. I also see the smiles on the children's faces as they anticipate the coming of Santa Claus and the holiday decorations that are upon the houses and in the stores. I just can't believe that 2012 is almost at an end. This year has gone by swiftly.

In January 2013 the state's 83rd legislative session will begin. There will be many issues facing our representatives when they convene, and many of these issues will deal directly with public education in Texas. I encourage each of you to educate yourselves about the issues. Don't just rely on the media soundbytes. The decisions that are made in 2013 will have a significant impact upon the future of our children in Texas. Our children deserve a world-class education that prepares them to be successful in the 21st Century.

One of the most significant issues facing the 83rd Legislature is the system of finance for public education in the state. The last session cut funding by $5.4 billion. These cuts had dramatic effects upon school districts across the state, including cuts of approximately $900,000 to the Harleton ISD budget. Here are some key facts about school funding in Texas:

How was Public School funding cut during this biennium by $5.4 Billion?
·       Foundation School Program (FSP) was cut by $4 billion.
·       Eliminated funding for property value and ADA decline.
·       Other program cuts of $1.4 billion included reducing funding for Pre-K, Student Success Initiatives, DATE, ESC’s, Instructional Materials, AP Incentives, and Communities in Schools Programs.
·       Technology Allotment Eliminated
·       Science Lab Funding Eliminated

Other Facts about Public School Finance
·       In 2009, the State supplanted $3 Billion in one-time federal stimulus money into the funding for Public Education, instead of supplementing the Public Education budget.  The State never replaced that $3 Billion in the budget for Public Education.  Instead, they added that money to the “Rainy Day” fund.
·       With reduced funding, Texas will educate an additional 170,000 students during this biennium.  Many of them with special needs or language barriers to overcome. 
·       Accountability standards have increased. (STAAR, EOC, AYP)
·       Transportation Allotments have not been adjusted since 1985. 
·       The majority of school districts will only be funded at 97% of their WADA.  However, we are expected to educate 100% of our WADA.
·       Funding continues to be below 2010 funding levels and the structural deficit has not been addressed.
·       Pre-K is not funded.  Most districts lose money by offering Pre-K.

The last day of school before the holidays will be December 18. We will have Early Release on December 17 & 18. Semester exams will be given on these dates, as well.

During this Holiday Season I hope that you are able to visit with family and friends and reflect upon the blessings we have all been given. I also hope that you will take the time to learn about the issues facing our state and will let your voices be heard by our representatives. Harleton ISD is a great place for our children to learn. If you don't want Austin dictating how your children should be educated and believe that we should have local control over our schools, please let your local officials know your thoughts. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanksgiving Holidays Soon!

It will soon be time for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Before we know it, Christmas will be here, as well. This year has really flown by. It seems the older I get the faster the years go by. Why do we find that youth is wasted on the young?

Next week will be the Thanksgiving Holidays for students and staff members. I hope that everyone will take time to reflect upon all of the things for which they find themselves thankful. We have much to consider in this great country of ours. Please enjoy time with your family and friends.

I am going to be writing pretty soon about the vision that we have for education and the future of our children. I invite you to let me know your thoughts about these things and your ideas about the direction of education. We have to prepare our children for an evolving and changing world, and they will require a different skill set than we have had. However, there are qualities that we want our children to possess that are timeless. Let me know your thoughts. We have to work together to help our children reach their fullest potentials.