Thursday, January 30, 2014

TASA Mid-winter Conference

I've just returned from the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) conference in Austin. There's a lot taking place in the state, and I would like for you to know about a couple of the items that are on the educational radar. It's important for you to stay abreast of the topics and issues that are being discussed in our state concerning public education.

One of the major issues that's being discussed is the course requirements for HB5. The State Board of Education is discussing these requirements as I write this, and we are supposed to be given final decisions by the 31st. Hopefully, we will receive the requirements at that time and can work to get courses in place and ready to schedule students for 2014-2015. The graduation requirements for students have changed significantly, I believe, for the better. We are now able to allow students to pursue their interests and have more flexibility in meeting the needs of every student.

The other issue that is currently being discussed by those in Austin is the rehearing of the School Finance litigation. Last year, the State's school funding system was declared unconstitutional. The judge in that case called the parties back together to hear the issue again after the 83rd Legislative session. Once the testimony has been heard, the judge will rule on this issue. If successful, it is assumed that the state will appeal the ruling to the Texas Supreme Court. This is an important issue for all schools and school children in Texas. Will the state provide equitable funding for all students regardless of their zip code?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Have a Great 2014!

Welcome to 2014! I'm looking forward to a great year! I wish the best for you and yours as we begin this new year. May you receive the richest of blessings.

With the new year always comes a time to take stock of our lives. We should take a moment to reflect upon the past year and remember both the good and bad. What did we learn from our experiences during the past year? What blessings did we receive, and what hurdles did we have to cross?

As we begin this new year at Harleton ISD, we are working hard to prepare for the changes that will come with the HB5 graduation plan. We will be working closely with the parents and students to keep you informed of the changes that have come about due to this new legislation. I believe it is going to help us provide more opportunities for our students, but it is going to require that we do things a little differently than we have in the past. I don't think we will see radical changes, but we will have more flexibility to meet the individual needs of all students. We will be giving you information as we learn more.

As always, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your children's lives. We look forward to a great 2014!